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Identifying signs and spots to be waterproofed before problems arise.
Whether you are about start work on a new home or renovate an existing one, all homes share many common places that need waterproofing. Nothing better than a thorough examination of your home before starting work. Inspecting for water damage is always a good practice. Equally effective for both repairs and new constructions, Dulux Aquashield has all the waterproofing solutions you need for your exteriors and interiors.
Damp Homes Dampen Spirits (and Lighten Wallets)
Nothing dulls a home more than uneven patches of colours and unsightly clusters of rust & mould. When water starts to seep into walls, problems abound, and repairs become increasingly expensive. Waterproofing early minimises expense and trouble later.
Signs of Waterproofing Failure
Not all symptoms of water damage are straightforward. The following are several signs, both visible and invisible, to detect possible waterproofing failure.
Wet When It Should Be Dry
If you find your floors wet for no reason, a ceiling leak may be the problem. Although the roof is often the source of ceiling leaks, other sources may include leaking pipes from the kitchen and bathroom. Ceiling leaks can also be caused by water seeping in from a wall, window or floor.
Patchy When It Should Be Smooth
Your walls no longer look the same. Brown or yellow stain marks, peeling paint, mould patches, rust spots, chalking and cracks have changed the appearance of your walls. Exterior walls and balconies exposed to tropical weather are most vulnerable to water damage. Interior spaces such as kitchens, laundry rooms and bathrooms are often the first to experience deterioration owing to heavy water usage. Besides ceiling and window leaks, air conditioning pipe leaks also damage interiors walls.
Lingering When It Should Be Refreshing
A lingering musty odour is perhaps the least obvious sign but the most harmful outcome of water damage. If you detect an odour, water has most likely already seeped into your interiors. Prolonged exposure to harmful bacteria from mould and mildew growth will cause health problems.
Spots where Waterproofing is Most Required
Before problems worsen, there’s no better time than now to target and treat the most commonly damaged spots in exteriors and interiors.
As the direct shelter to rain, the roof is where water often finds its first point of entry into your home. Water damage ensues whenever a roof collects a persistent puddle. The first preventive measure is a properly levelled roof that directs water away from roofs, followed by applying Dulux Aquashield Roof Waterproof, a water-based acrylic waterproofing membrane, for the ultimate waterproof protection. Hydroresist Technology forms a tough protective elastomeric film that resists roof water seepage, bridges cracks and prevents carbonation and fungal attacks.
Exterior Walls
A roof without walls is an incomplete shelter. Exterior walls and roofs bear similar harsh weather conditions alternating between rain and sunshine. Without waterproofing, water seeps into cracks and porous concrete. If left untreated, water damage compromises structural integrity over time. Dulux AquashieldExterior Flexible Waterproof Basecoat is a flexible acrylic basecoat for exterior walls.
The ultimate water defence because of an impenetrable layer that repels rain and moisture. Hydroshield Technology delivers superior protection with a high film build for optimum waterproofing.
Interior Walls
Moisture from damp bathrooms, kitchen splashes and leaking pipes commonly affect interior walls. Proper ventilation, conscientious drying and early remedy may help avoid problems such as discoloured walls and a lingering odour.
If exteriors have already been waterproofed, Dulux Aquashield Interior Waterproof Basecoat, completes the ultimate waterproof solution for interiors. DampProtect Technology prevents swelling, blistering and chalking of paint with a flexible film that also provides excellent resistance against the ingress of water.
Interior and Exterior Walls
Dampness and seepage allows algae and fungus to grow on the walls, creating black spots and causing paint to peel off. Dulux Aquashield Pre Treatment Coat helps to eradicate fungus and algae from the roots to prevents recurrence. Its unique FungiClean Technology provides protection against fungal attacks.
To learn more about why waterproofing is the most essential protection, click here.
To learn more about how Dulux Aquashield works, click here.
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