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Dulux EasyCare with new Silver Ion Technology, it comes with an added benefit of anti-viral property that helps to effectively work against certain virus.
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Dulux EasyCare product features
- Kidsproof+ technology
- Anti-viral ( with Silver Ion technology)
- Smooth Finish
- Colour guard
- No Added Lead & No Added Mercury
- Low Odour , Low VO

- Effective against human coronavirus NL-63 (99% efficacy) through determination of Antiviral Activity using 21702:2019. This is based on certificate of analysis, issued by Industrial Mircobiological Services LTD (IMSL,UK).
- This is NOT tested for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Virus and bacteria can also spread through other external/internal surfaces.
Not limited only to be effective to below types of stains:
STATIONERY: 1. Chalk, 2. Fluorescent Pen
HOUSEHOLD: 3.Dust, 4.Mud
FOOD & DRINK: 5.Yogurt, 6.Cupcake / Ice-cream, 7.Soda / Liquids (Cola, Juices), 8.Soya sauce, 9.Tomato sauce, 10.Chili sauce

Anti Bacterial Performance
Dulux EasyCare has been tested against 6 types of bacteria as per JIS Z 2801 test method. Dulux EasyCare sample was found to meet the anti-bacterial performance requirements for the following set of bacteria:
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (ATCC15442)
- Staphylococcus Aureus (ATCC6538P)
- Bacillus Subtilis (ATCC6633)
- Salmonella Typhi (ATCC14028)
- MRSA (NCTC12493)
- Escherichia Coli (ATCC8739)
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